aNto-go - PES 2013 Football Life Editor v20121028 mengeluarkan versi terbaru yang merupakan versi perbaikan dari beberapa bug yang masih terdapat pada versi sebelumnya.Sobat semua sudah terbiasakan dengan tool yang satu ini, jadi saya tidak usah menjelaskan cara penggunaannya. Oke langsung aja download versi terbaru ini.....
- fix some bugs
- Unlock boots with error boots counts
- Unlock boots with duplicate boots
- my club player always tranfser to random club
- “-” button overflow
- nation modify error
PES2013 Football Life Editor v20121021 Features:
1. Unlock All Boots
The offical Boots Number in DLC1.0 is 31 pairs, in DLC2.0 is 42 pairs.
if updated to DLC2.0, please count the max boots number in the Edit mode of PES2013.
close the program, then open the folder of this program, and open the OPTION.ini,
change the “Count=31″ to “Count=42″, reopen the program
2. fix some bugs about the ” Tranfser”
PES2013 Football Life Editor v20121016 Features:
Condition: EDIT.bin file is needed. The file saved at “MyDocuments”\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2012\save
1. click “Open EDIT.bin”, select the “EDIT.bin” file
2. click “Open Football Life Bin”, select one ML or BL file
3. select players, click “Edit” button center bottom, and than edit his properties, click “Done” button after your finishing editing.
4. click “Save Football Life Bin” to save your change.
5. return to game, read the modified save.
6. if you need to change the item with symbol “*”, do click “Save EDIT.bin” button and select “EDIT.bin” file after your edition.
then you should restart game.
PS: The Training Poite:
In BL the Max Value should not include the base value. neg. BL base Shoot is 2, the Max Value should be 13.
Linknya gak jalan mas
jalan koq gan, jangan lupa masukin password pas mo donlot... oke...
Kok read file failed trus ya gan? Kira2 kenapa?
knpa slalu read failed gan.,??
coba d beri saran donk byar bisa,.
read failed gmn ya gan, klo ane pake sih sehat2 aja gan...
Coba di kompi-nya di instal dotNet 4.0 dulu gan...
itu dikarenakan agan semua tidak mengikuti instruksi diatas jadi caranya yaitu :
klik pada open EDIT.bin nanti akan ada kotak dialog lalu cari file yang bernama EDIT.bin setelah itu klik ok lalu agan baru dapat merubah football life agan" semua dengan cara menekan tombol open football life.bin dan bereksperimenlah serta jangan lupa disave itu hasil editannya ....
Yups betul sekali gan... terimakasih atas penjelasannya semoga sobat2 yg blm paham jd mengerti, mohon maaf saya blm bisa menjawab smua pertanyaan2 sobat karna ke sibukan di dunia nyata yg menyita waktu...
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